David Suzuki

A very well known Canadian environmentalist, geneticist and scientist, David Suzuki is the founder of The David Suzuki Foundation. He is best known, perhaps, for his time as a CBC broadcaster and his program on the CBC, The Nature of Things.
Rob Stewart

Rob was an amazing mentor and friend. He inspired me to become a documentary filmmaker and make this film.
Rob’s film Sharkwater changed people’s perception of sharks and showed us not to fear them and revealed the reality of the shark fin industry.
Rob’s second documentary, Revolution, identified the biggest environmental issues our world faces this generation.
Alexandra Morton

A biologist and orca researcher, Alexandra Morton is an author and founder of Salmon Coast Research Station. She works to protect the wild salmon on BC’s coast, the northern and southern resident orca’s main food source. She is a eloquent spokesperson for ocean ecosystems.
Paul Spong

Paul Spong has been studying orca whales for 50 years since he began his career at Vancouver Aquarium in 1967. After studying the whales in captivity, he recognized how intelligent they were and felt that it was not right to keep orcas in captivity. He founded Orcalab in 1970 to study the whales in the wild in their natural habitat. Orcalab attracts biology students, orca enthusiasts and photographers & videographers from around the world who volunteer and study orcas in the wild every summer.
Scott Rogers

Local resident and researcher at Salmon Coast Field Station. She has helped with the study of the impact sea lice on the wild salmon fry. She calls the Broughton archipelago her home.
Wayne Alfred

Wayne is from Alert Bay, British Columbia. He is Kwakwaka’wakw (Namgis) First Nations. He is a totem carver and also specializes in making masks and ceremonial pieces. He shares legends passed down from his ancestors about the killer whales.
Billy Proctor

An author and local resident of Echo Bay, Billy has re-stocked and rehabilitated streams where wild salmon have all but disappeared. As an advocate for wild salmon he understands how forests and fish are related; how poor logging practices, or unrestrained development of salmon farms can destroy salmon habitat, and why watershed management and conservation matter. Billy knows the salmon need the forests that line and shade the rivers in which they spawn, but the forests also need the salmon, which feed bears and eagles and people and wolves and many other creatures, and then, as decaying corpses and waste matter, fertilize those forests full of enormous trees. No forests, no salmon; and no salmon, no more gigantic trees.
Billy’s Museum